As we are approaching towards the third of September moth of 2021, We at Visionary wanted to thank all the dedicated and hard-working women around for their contributions to this great country. “HAPPY NATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY”


The purpose of the National Women’s Day is to is to honor the first woman to hold a domestic political office. On March 18, 1868, Susan B. Anthony was sworn in as the first woman to hold a political office. Senator to be, and the first woman to cast a vote in the United States Congress.


Who was Susan B. Anthony:


The story of Anthony revolves around the work she did to improve the lives of working women. In 1848, Anthony and her sisters formed a women’s rights’ group. After meeting with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, they realized that they had to take action. In 1851, Anthony began her political career when she was elected to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Women’s Suffrage Association. She was the first woman to cast a vote in the United States Congress. As Susan B. Anthony continued to work for the Equal Rights Party, she began to have some disagreements. She began to argue with her fellow Women’s Rights activists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone. Susan B. Anthony had different ideas on the topic of equality than her fellow women, and Stone and Stanton were determined to see the abolition of slavery and other forms of oppression. There were many arguments, and Susan B. Anthony was eventually ousted from the Equal Rights Party.


She continued to fight for equal rights for women, and started her own organization, the National Woman Suffrage Association. The Association became the National Woman’s Party, and Anthony was elected as its president. This was the first time that a woman was elected as president of any national organization.


The first year of the Women’s Suffrage movement was in Ohio, and the first National US National Women’s Day was on August 28th, 1911. This is when the right to vote was obtained for all women, before it was to be a part of this day. This battle, the battle for suffrage, was to be a long and complicated one. Suffragists had to battle several overwhelming obstacles.


Firstly, they were women, already a minority in our society. In many places they were simply not considered people, or they had been property. This meant they had no voice in voting matters.


Secondly, our government was not willing to give women the right to vote, they were afraid women would vote with their legs. There were several reasons for this, firstly because they had no faith in women’s morals, secondly because they were afraid of losing their votes, and lastly because if they gave women the right to vote they were afraid women would be more likely to vote as a group and end up turning the entire government in a communist state. This meant that a special day for women was needed. This day needed to be kept as special as possible, so women in the USA would never forget the struggles they had gone through to gain the right to vote.


Contemporary activists Suffragettes are considered to be the pioneers of the women’s right to vote. They also campaigned for women’s rights to hold jobs and to have equal educational opportunities.


  1. They were the first to fight for the right of women to have the same legal rights as men.


  1. Women’s rights to work: Women have only had the right to equal pay for equal work since 1963.


  1. Women’s right to choose: Women gained the right to choose an abortion in 1973 and the right to an equal right to choose divorce in 1977.


  1. Women’s rights to health care: Women have the right to get medical care, regardless of their marital status, race, age, income, or ethnicity.


  1. Women’s rights to education: Women have the right to get an education no matter where they live.


  1. Women’s rights to own property: Women gained the right to own property in the United States in 1920.


  1. Women’s rights to equal pay: In March 1970, the Equal Pay Act was passed. It gave women the right to equal pay for equal work.


  1. Women’s rights to shelters: Women now have the right to get shelter.


  1. Women’s rights to equal military service: Women now have the right to an equal military service.


  1. Women’s rights to birth control: In the United States, women now have the right to buy and use birth control for their own use.


  1. Women’s rights to choose childbirth: In August 1980, a law was passed that gave all women the right to choose childbirth.


  1. Women’s rights to choose their own partners: Women now have the right to choose their own partners.


  1. Women’s rights to equal pay: In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women can sue their employers for pay discrimination.


  1. Women’s rights to equal education: In 2002, the federal No Child Left Behind Act, which calls for racial and ethnic integration in all schools, was passed. It requires all students to pass standardized tests.


National Women’s Day is celebrated in the United States of America on the third Sunday in September. In 1992, it was declared an official federal holiday by President Bill Clinton. The official holiday is to honor all women for the important roles they play in society. It is also to honor the social, economic, political, and other contributions of the women’s movement. This is a day to honor the women of America, celebrate their work, and pay tribute to their contributions. It is a great day to honor and celebrate the women of America!


National Women’s Day in 21st century America, is a celebration of the burgeoning female population in the United States is shared with the common American people as a day to honor the hard work of women in America. the women are given a day off to celebrate and enjoy time with their families.


At last, as per our founder Sherry M Gonzalez:


“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”

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